Middle School
Grades 5-8 are formative years when students lay the foundation and study habits that will drive their future success. To ensure that our students are well served, we review our curriculum annually to assure it is academically strong and based on “best practices” as delineated by current educational research.
Through our curriculum, our faculty members partner with the students to build on their content and skills as well as their academic habits. To do that most effectively, they work with a variety of learning strategies and each grade has a designated technology class to support the learning and develop essential tech skills. Our Middle School teachers are outstanding in their ability to work with students during this age of transition and maturity. We really encourage our MS students and enjoy watching them grow from children to confident young adults!
We believe these skills and the balance of academics and arts prepare our students for high school and college as well as real-world experiences. Our goal is to help your student evolve into a self-directed, inquisitive learner with respect for the ideas and feelings of others.
Math curriculum culminates in the completion of Algebra I by the end of 8th grade.*
All students have a year-long technology class that supports core content and strengthens technology applications.
All students in grades 5-8 will have school-owned computers assigned to them to support coursework. Emphasis on cross-curricular projects with technology integration.
A wide variety of clubs and teams encourage exploration and engagement.
Exploratory foreign language in 5th and 6th grades; Introduction to World Languages in 7th grade; full-year of Chinese, Spanish, or French offered at 8th grade.*
Fine Arts exploratory classes or full-year electives are available at every grade level: Visual Arts, Band, Vocal Music, and Theater.
MS Spring Musical open for students 5-8th grade to audition.
Clear and frequent parent-teacher communication is a priority.
Highly trained, experienced faculty members care about your student and his or her future.
*In-coming students who have advanced foreign language skills or have already taken advanced math classes will be placed appropriately.
Clubs and Activities
Student Council | Honor Council |
Principal's Council | Drama Club |
Model UN | Quiz Bowl |
Cheer and pom 5-8 (open to all in 5-7 then try out in 8th) | Football and Basketball but tryouts only in 7-8 for both boys and girls |
Cross Country in 7-8 | FBLA |
Trapshooting for 6-8 | Lacrosse for 7-8 |
Stock Market Game |

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