Summer at the Academy: June 2 - July 25, 2025 (Camp closed June 30 - July 4)

Summer at the Academy offers weekly enrollment for all-day child care and morning enrichment camps for students in the greater Little Rock area. Campers may participate in one program alone or a combination of both on any given week. We are so excited to welcome your child to campus for a fun, action-packed Summer experience!

Day Camp

All-day childcare (Day Camp) is available 7:30 am - 5:30 pm for rising PK2.5 through 6th grade students. Registration is available to reserve on a weekly basis and will be based on the student’s rising grade level for the 2025-2026 school year. Students will participate in a variety of arts and crafts, hands-on activities, field trips (when applicable), and more related to the theme of the week. Please see the DAY CAMP OPTIONS tab below for additional information.

*Please note: Campers PK2.5 and PK3 must be enrolled at Pulaski Academy for the 2025-2026 school year to participate in Summer Camp. Eligible campers must be 2.5 years old by June 2. Non-PA students must be 4 years old by June 2.

Enrichment Camps

Morning Enrichment Camps are available for rising PK2.5-12th grade students and are designed to inspire students to explore, create, contribute, and achieve in areas such as visual and fine arts, STEM, sports, academics, and more. Please see the ENRICHMENT CAMP OPTIONS tab below for additional information. 

*Please note: Campers PK2.5 and PK3 must be enrolled at Pulaski Academy for the 2025-2026 school year to participate in Summer Camp. Eligible campers must be 2.5 years old by June 2. Non-PA students must be 4 years old by June 2.

Day Camp registration is available to reserve on a weekly basis. Unregistered drop-in care cannot be accommodated.   A one-time, non-refundable, $65 registration fee is due with your initial registration to secure your enrollment. Additional weeks may be added at a later date, pending availability, at no additional registration costs.

  • CLICK HERE to view the Daily Schedule 

  • CLICK HERE to view the Weekly Calendar *COMING SOON

  • CLICK HERE to view the Parent Guide 

OPTION 1: Day Camp ONLY:This registration option is for families who choose to participate in Day Camp ONLY on any preferred week.

  • Day Camp tuition is $275 per week *A daily lunch is included
  • Absences or partial days attended will not be prorated. 
  • The payment method used to secure your Day Camp enrollment will be stored on file for weekly tuition payments.  This transaction will be processed each Monday on your secured weeks.

OPTION 2: Day Camp +  Enrichment Camp: This registration option is for families who choose to participate in a morning Enrichment Camp on any preferred week and need additional child care beyond the Enrichment Camp's scheduled hours. In addition to registering for the Enrichment Camp, the camper must be registered for the same Day Camp week to attend.

  • Day Camp tuition is $155 per week *A daily lunch is included; Enrichment Camp registration fee not included*
  • Campers may attend Day Camp before and/or after the Enrichment Camp as needed. 
  • Campers will be transported to and from camps by a summer staff member. 
  • Absences or partial days attended will not be prorated.
  • The payment method used to secure your Day Camp enrollment will be stored on file for weekly tuition payments. This transaction will be drafted each Monday on your secured weeks.

CLICK HERE to view the Enrichment Camp catalog

OPTION 1- Morning Enrichment Camp ONLY: This option is for families who choose to participate in a morning Enrichment Camp only.  Students must be dropped off and picked up from the Enrichment Camp. Childcare before and/or after the Enrichment Camp scheduled hours will not be available

  • Enrichment Camp registration fees are $115 (2-hour camp)/ $165 (3-hour camp) + a supply fee. *supply fee will vary by camp
  • Enrichment camp registration fees are due in full at the time of registration to secure your enrollment.
  • Camp details including date, time, location, etc. will be emailed to registered families on Wednesday before the camp is scheduled to start.

OPTION 2- Morning Enrichment Camp + Day Camp: This option is for Day Campers who are participating in a morning Enrichment Camp and need additional child care before and/or after the Enrichment Camp scheduled hours. Please see the DAY CAMP OPTIONS (OPTION 2)  above for additional information.


Day Camp and Enrichment Camp registration will open at noon to current Pulaski Academy families (including those who have been accepted to start in August 2025) according to the schedule below. 

  • Rising ECS Campers (2.5 years-Kindergarten): Monday, March 3, 2025
  • Rising LS Campers (1st-4th grade): Tuesday, March 4, 2025
  • Rising MS/US Campers (5th-12th grade): Wednesday, March 5, 2025
  • Enrollment will open to non-PA families at 8:00 am on Monday, March 10, 2025. 
  • The early registration deadline for all Enrichment Camps is Friday, May 23, 2025.
  • Late registrations will be accepted beginning at 8:00 am on Monday, May 26, 2025, for Week 2 and beyond.  A $30.00 late fee will be added to each Enrichment Camp having availability after May 23, 2025.

Pulaski Academy families and returning summer campers: 

New campers:

Weekly withdrawal requests received between March 3 and 31, 2025 will be issued without penalty. As of April 1, 2025,  the following penalties will apply:

*$65 Day Camp registration fee is non-refundable. 

Day Camp Weeks

  • A $25 withdrawal fee per week/student for requests received between April 1 and May 23, 2025.
  • A $50 withdrawal fee per week/student for requests received after May 23, 2025. 
  • Day Camp tuition is non-refundable seven days or less before the start date.
  • Absences or partial days attended will not be prorated.

Enrichment Camps

  • 75% of the registration fee will be refunded for withdrawal requests received between April 1 and May 23, 2025. 
  • 50% of the registration fee will be refunded for withdrawal requests received after May 23, 2025.
  • Enrichment Camp registration fees are non-refundable for withdrawal requests received seven days or less before the start date. Supplies from the class will be ready for pick up in the Day Camp Office the following Monday for a camper who cannot attend.
  • Absences or partial days attended will not be prorated. 

Pulaski Academy reserves the right to cancel an Enrichment Camp due to low enrollment.  Registered families will be notified via email a minimum of one week prior and a refund in full will be issued.

Day Camp 

  • Entrances on campus will be locked at all times. Some entrances may require a door code to enter.  The summer door code will be provided via email to registered families before the first day of camp. 
  • Day Camp opens at 7:30 am.  Campers will not be accepted in the classroom any earlier.  Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. 
  • Student drop-off and pickup may occur at any time during operating camp hours. 
  • An adult parent/guardian is required to escort the student to the classroom and sign in with the supervising teacher. 
  • Day Camp closes promptly at 5:30 pm.  In the event of an unavoidable late arrival, please notify Tanesha Baker at 501-317-0872 (call or text).  A $10 late fee will be assessed per every 15 minutes after closing. Late fees will be charged to your card on file the following business day. This fee will increase to $25 after five occurrences. Should late pickups persist thereafter, future weeks are subject to suspension without a refund.
  • Click here to view the campus map for designated drop-off entrances by building. 

Enrichment Camp 

  • Enrichment Camp drop-off begins at 8:20 am. Campers will not be accepted in the classrooms before then. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. *If care is needed before 8:20 am, the camper can enroll in Day Camp, based on availability, for childcare before and/or after the enrichment camp.
  • Please ensure you arrive promptly for dismissal. If you suspect you will be late, please call or text Tanesha Baker at 501-317-0872 so we can assure your child you are on the way.  A $10 late fee will be assessed for every 15 minutes after dismissal. This fee will be drafted to your card on file the following business day.  
  • All campers are required to be escorted to the Enrichment Camp room by an adult guardian where they must be signed in and out each day with the supervising staff member.

Students in first grade and above will have the opportunity to attend scheduled field trips. 

  • Day Camp students will have the opportunity to attend weekly field trips. 
  • Students enrolled in Option 2 Day Camp + Morning Enrichment Camp on a field trip day may NOT skip their enrichment camp to attend the field trip. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • An electronic permission form must be completed before attending each field trip. Forms will be emailed one week before the scheduled field trip date. 
  • Students who do not have a permission form on file will NOT be taken off campus. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • Students who arrive after the class has departed from campus will need to check in with the next rising grade level until the class returns to campus.

  • A morning and an afternoon snack and a water bottle are required. Students participating in a morning Enrichment Camp will only need to provide one afternoon snack.
  • Snacks can be sent daily if preferred, however, families are encouraged to send a labeled bag of prepackaged snacks to leave in the classroom that will be sent home to refill when it is empty. 
  • Refrigerators and/or microwaves are not available for student use. 
  • We are proud to partner with SAGE Dining Services® to offer fresh, made-from-scratch meals included in your weekly tuition.  Students may bring a lunch from home if they choose. Weekly tuition will not be prorated for students who choose not to participate in the lunch program.
  • Lunch forms will be located in the classroom and will be recorded at 9:15 am daily. If you anticipate a late arrival, email with your lunch choice. Students who do not submit a lunch order by the deadline will have the option of a cold lunch only.

CLICK HERE to view the weekly menu *COMING SOON

Tanesha Baker
Director of Summer at the Academy
[email protected]
501-604-1920 OFFICE 
501-317-0872 CELL


*For assistance during Summer Camp operational hours, please default to email communication or cell number.